Let’s Move Blair County

Let’s Move Blair County is a spin-off of the nationwide Let’s Move Initiative! Our focus is on helping our community make healthier choices about food, nutrition, and physical activity.

The Let’s Move Blair County Committee is implementing programs/activities to address obesity, encourage physical activity, and impact the incidence of diabetes. One of their goals is to encourage the integration of health and wellness into every aspect of community life by coordinating and collaborating with all other agencies currently working on this effort. Meetings are scheduled the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 am.

Accomplishments and Activities:

With the support of the Blair County Board of Commissioners, Blair County became a national Let’s Move Cities, Towns, and Counties site. A launch event was held in five communities with over 380 participants and 85 volunteers participating in educational and physical activities promoting the overall message of eating healthy, getting active, and having fun.

Each of our local hospitals as well as other community agencies provide classes/programs on healthier eating, physical activity, diabetes education, and stress reduction.

In collaboration with the South Hills School of Business & Technology an interactive Active Living Brochure/Map was developed and 40,000 copies were distributed throughout the county. It includes resources and activities in Blair County.

Sponsored a Let’s Move Lunch and Learn for Early Childcare Providers.

Utilize and distribute the HBCC promotional and MyPlate resource materials and coordinate and collaborate with other organizations that are currently working on this effort.

Sponsor an annual Let’s Move Blair County Day at Lakemont Park..

HBCC supports the efforts of the Blair County Planning Commission to increase opportunities for physical activity by creating walking routes through a project called WalkWorks. Their Board adopted a “health in all policies” which is a collaborative approach to improving the health of all people by incorporating health considerations into decision-making across sectors and policy areas.

Developed and distributed the 2024 Active Living brochure.

Sponsored a Faith-Based Wellness Networking Session on the role of the faith community in health & wellness.

Organized in collaboration with the Blair County Chamber of Commerce Corporate Wellness Challenges and Active Living Steps Challenges.

Plans for 2024:

Stay tuned for information on upcoming plans for an Active Living Challenge.